Sunday, May 1, 2011

Self Reflecting

Aside from knowing that im failing my junior year at Otis, this failure made me realize one thing, up until now im not doing anything right. this also made me realize that i need to brush up my act and get things back together. stop procrastinating and just do what is needed to be done. Sometimes i realize its hard for me to just DO it. not only that i also feel as if i lost my ambition and motivation to do things. whatever the reason, i hope i understand this fatality, and continue to be a better person. more organized, more prepared, just in general a better person and hopefully be recognized as that person who is reliable. i am going to learn from my mistakes, and hopefully become a better person. im going to be the best and continue to do so.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


There was a quiz asking about procrastination. i think procrastination creates a drive among students as well as people from the working field to start doing things as fast and efficient as possible. i remember having a dinner and i noticed that a group of people were talking about springstein and how he created his music through procrastination. though a artist is never happy with his or her work, they are constantly on the move to finish their work. in my scenario im under full pressure to finish these essays as well as my bloggs as fast as possible. when ill be completed i dont know but im constantly trying to finish.. finish finish finish even though if it means that i have to write mumbo jumbo to fill these blogs up. i guess i have no choice to procrastinate because of all the work load that is given to me at the time. though time management is considered to be useful to our peers, i think that even though time management is important, i still view that alot of workload is still alot of workload.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009